Subtitle Translation

The subtitle is usually located at the bottom of the screen and is a written translation of foreign language dialogues in a movie or other audio-visual material to the desired language. With the increase in the culture of watching foreign TV series and movies in recent years, the need for subtitle translation has increased. For a good subtitle translation, the translator should pay attention to synchronization, cultural difference, and differences between languages. Synchronization means that the dialogue and subtitles move in harmony. The sentence heard on the screen and the subtitle of the sentence should be on the screen at the same time, and the subtitle should remain on the screen for the time to be read. In addition, the source culture and language and the target culture and language should be well known. What is normal in one culture and language can be perceived differently in another culture and language. The audience’s interest cannot be kept alive in translations that do not pay attention to these cultural and linguistic codes. As can be seen, subtitle translation requires knowing the target culture, language and using translation programs, beyond knowing the language. As Bulvar Translation, we translate the video you want to the language you want by using translation programs and with experienced translators in this field. We provide subtitle translation services to many institutions, organizations and individuals. The address of success in every translation in every language, Bulvar Translation is always at your service in this field.

Main Visual and Audio Videos We Translated

  • Movies and Series
  • Documentaries
  • Ads
  • Song Clips

As Bulvar Translation Office, we are at your service with our expert translator staff in the field of subtitle translation as in other translation fields, for the best translation and translation between Istanbul Translation Offices and Istanbul translation offices.

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